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Fresh Fruit Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士云顶水蜜桃-Peach Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam-1x1.jpg

Peach Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士云顶香芒芒-Mango Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Mango Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士草莓酸奶酪-Strawberry Yogurt Slush with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Strawberry Yogurt Slush with Cheese Foam

芝士云顶红莓莓-Strawberry Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Strawberry Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士云顶鲜葡萄-Grape Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Grape Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士云顶金凤梨-Pineapple Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Pineapple Jasmine Green Tea with Cheese Foam

芝士芒果酸奶酪-Mango Yogurt Slush with Cheese Foam-16-9.jpg

Mango Yogurt Slush with Cheese Foam

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